Team CKC joins St. Marks Cut-a-Thon-

St. Marks 9th Annual Cut-a-Thon-

Team CKC joins St. Marks for thier 9th Annual Cut-a-Thon- for
Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in women. About 1 in 8 women born today in the United States will get breast cancer at some point.

The good news is that most women can survive breast cancer if it’s found and treated early.

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a chance to raise awareness about the importance of detecting breast cancer early.
So CKC did her best to make a difference!
We got involved by spreading the word and raising money for the cause!

Friday, October 19th, CKC Salon partnered with St. Marks for their 9th Annual St. Mark Cut-a-Thon for cancer awareness! We are honored to have been a part of such a great event!

Our stylists got the chance to shave the heads of 7 boys, and cut/style the hair of 1 girl and 1 staff member that donated thier hair for cancer victims, also they attached pink hair extensions to 41 girls!

The students at St. Marks were able to raise $2630.00 for the Elizabeth Pfriem Swim Cancer Center and CKC was so proud to help take part in supporting the cause!

We look forward to next year!